Human Rights Policy
CloudSource’s Human Rights Policy is set and able to communicate to our employees, clients, and suppliers the ethical and social values which we respect, and our ongoing support of human rights by way of promoting our core ethical values.
We are committed to the implementation of internationally recognised human rights standards in all our operations. The international sources of law upon which our human rights standards are based aim to ensure a consistent adoption of our principles throughout.
CloudSource is pledged to ensuring that everyone affected by any of CloudSource’s activities is treated with respect.
CloudSource will ensure that they will work at highlighting, stopping, and diminishing any adverse human rights impacts resulting from, or affected by, its business activities before or soon after occurring.
All our employees shall conduct themselves in accordance with the highest ethical standards.
CloudSource are committed to ensuring that our employees can work in an environment free of physical, psychological, or verbal abuse, away from the threat of physical abuse, sexual harassment, or other harassment and accordingly such actions are forbidden. CloudSource would act immediately and strongly if any of these were to occur within the workplace.
CloudSource aim to provide fair working conditions for all our employees including terms and conditions of employment, remuneration, working hours, resting time, holiday entitlements, maternity/paternity leave and benefits. CloudSource comply with all applicable UK legislation.
CloudSource have in-house policies which set out this obligation and the responsibilities of management for their staff. These are fully and constantly available to all employees and are frequently monitored and updated.
CloudSource has a firm Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy V2.
We aim to ensure that no form of discrimination is practiced in any area of our business including, recruitment, promotion, training, termination, or retirement based on age, disability, gender, gender reassignment, marital status or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, or sexual orientation.
CloudSource would support an employees’ right to join, or not to join, or set up a trade union without fear of retaliation, coercion, or harassment. Where employees are represented by a legally recognised union, CloudSource would be open to holding, and continuing to hold a constructive dialogue with the Union representatives.
Social responsibility and communities
CloudSource will always try to acknowledge any effect on communities surrounding its workspaces and in the surrounding areas. CloudSource will always try to be a good neighbour. CloudSource likes to learn about, and ensure these communities are working together in harmony and would certainly acknowledge and protect the way they conduct their business.
Slavery, human trafficking, and child labour
CloudSource is opposed to all forms of slavery, human trafficking, and child labour.
CloudSource would never conduct business with any company or organisation if it were aware they are engaged in any actions that involved slavery, forced or child labour.